For business reasons, the name of ESSER-WERKE will be changed. From 01 January 2023 the official company address will be changed to:
Esser-Werke GmbH
Zum Puddelhammer 25
59581 Warstein
VAT DE292521461
tax no. 330/5711/2438
Represented by the managing directors Stefan Brosick and Stefan Harbig.
Delivery and invoice address correspond to the company address.
The contact data of our purchase and sales persons remain unchanged.
In order to ensure proper invoicing and minimize the risk of unintentional payment delays, we would like to ask you to update our new address data in your ERP system accordingly from January 1, 2023. Please ensure that from January 1, 2023 all invoices issued to us contain the correct tax or VAT identification number. We can no longer accept incorrectly issued invoices from January 1, 2023 and will return them for correction.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.