We are ISO 9001:2015 certified. This includes the AD-2000 set of rules, which deals with the safety requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU), as well as certification according to EN ISO 3834-2, which defines the requirements for a specialist welding company and regulates the principles for quality assurance of welded products.
Additional information about the significance of these certifications is provided below:
1.) AD 2000 HP 0
The European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU regulates the manufacture and placing on the market of stationary pressure equipment in Europe.
The design, manufacture and acceptance can be realized either according to the corresponding harmonized EN standards or on the basis of the still allowed national regulations.
These national regulations have been developed and improved over decades. Very well known are e.g. AD 2000 rules from Germany, the Codap from France as well as the SVTI rules from Switzerland. These codes follow a closed design concept. If they are used for design, manufacture and acceptance, this must be done comprehensively. In order to qualify the manufacturing companies of pressure equipment, the AD 2000 defines the HP 0 approval. This defines the general principles for design, manufacture and associated testing. A prerequisite for HP0 approval is compliance with the requirements of ISO 3834-3.
2) ISO 3834-2
The international series of standards DIN EN ISO 3834ff. specifies welding quality requirements for manufacturers and regulates the principles for quality assurance of fusion-welded components and structures. DIN EN ISO 3834 covers welding in series production, make-to-order production, repair and on the construction site (assembly) and applies to all welding applications. It assumes the function of the quality management system in welding and is at the same time the basis for fulfilling the standard requirements in specific application regulations such as EN 1090-1 and EN 15085-2.
ESSER is certified according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2: Comprehensive quality requirements
3) ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 is a standard for quality management systems and specifies the requirements for such systems. An organization has to meet these requirements in order to be able to provide products and services that meet customer expectations as well as legal and official requirements relevant to the product or service. At the same time, the management system should be subject to a continuous improvement process. The requirements contained in the standard are applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product. If the requirements of the standard are met, the organization can have this confirmed with a certificate.
You can find out more about this here:
GERMAN: ISO 9001:2015 Certification DE
ENGLISH: ISO 9001:2015 Certification EN